Monday, 9 April 2012

Short Story Overview


-Person vs. Herself
-Person vs. Person
-She is struggling with her emotions dealing with her family and her own ability to make decisions

-Place: gloomy beach in Florida on an old, rotted dock
-Time: dark spring evening
-Circumstance: Julia upset at her life and the inability to connect with her family
-Mood: tense, frustrated, depressed

Protagonist: (Julia)
-Thick, wavy, dark brown hair that flew in every direction in the wind
-Deep, brown eyes that anyone could lost in
-She kept to herself, mostly because no one gives her a chance to be heard
-She felt left out of her family and felt that no one cared
-She is struggling with the decision to end her life or not
Initial action:
-Alice is frustrated with her family and run out of the house
Rising action:
-As she walks, she feels the urge to walk towards the dock
-She sits and tries to sort out her emotions but she just cries
-She stands and glances towards the house, feeling as if no one cares if she is dead
-She struggles whether she should let herself die in the swirling waters of the storm
-She jumps into the chilled ocean water, exhaling the breath from her lungs
-She changes her mind while sinking deeper and wants a second chance at life
-She tries to go to the surface, but the waves push her deeper down
-She tries to take a breath, but it’s only filled with the dark ocean water
Falling Action:
- She feels her body slowly shut down while her thick hair and flowing dress move to the rhythm of the sea

-Julia dies depressed and alone, felling deserted by her family and separated from the world

-The struggle to be accepted in your own family
-That ending your life is not the answer