Wednesday 30 May 2012


Double Treble Day

This holiday celebrates the creation of music. It is held on the date of Beethoven’s birthday because of his great skill in creating music. This holiday is celebrated to commemorate symphony music and its great diversities. God created us as people to be creative in music and dance and that is what is celebrated on this day.
On this day, people gather in local symphony halls to appreciate the art of music. All day, bands will play, not only in concert halls, but in stadiums, parks, and even schools. The music played isn’t always symphonic, but still played to celebrate our  creativity given to us by God.

 Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is Easter. I love thinking about the meaning behind the holiday. Jesus died to save us, but rose from the dead to prove that He his God. It makes me a little upset to have the holiday almost converted to a celebration about spring. It’s a good thing to celebrate about, but I think people should be taught the real meaning behind the eggs and bunnies. I celebrate the holiday by going to the Maundy Thursday service, the Good Friday service, and the Easter service at my church. Then, the whole family goes to my Grandma’s house to eat our traditional Easter lunch and leftover supper. We eat chocolate and the whole family just talks. Aunts in the kitchen and dining room, Uncles in the basement and on the sofas, and the cousins spread around the entire house, trying to get as much chocolate as possible. But on that day, I still try to remember why we celebrate Easter and what it means for us.

Monday 9 April 2012

Short Story Overview


-Person vs. Herself
-Person vs. Person
-She is struggling with her emotions dealing with her family and her own ability to make decisions

-Place: gloomy beach in Florida on an old, rotted dock
-Time: dark spring evening
-Circumstance: Julia upset at her life and the inability to connect with her family
-Mood: tense, frustrated, depressed

Protagonist: (Julia)
-Thick, wavy, dark brown hair that flew in every direction in the wind
-Deep, brown eyes that anyone could lost in
-She kept to herself, mostly because no one gives her a chance to be heard
-She felt left out of her family and felt that no one cared
-She is struggling with the decision to end her life or not
Initial action:
-Alice is frustrated with her family and run out of the house
Rising action:
-As she walks, she feels the urge to walk towards the dock
-She sits and tries to sort out her emotions but she just cries
-She stands and glances towards the house, feeling as if no one cares if she is dead
-She struggles whether she should let herself die in the swirling waters of the storm
-She jumps into the chilled ocean water, exhaling the breath from her lungs
-She changes her mind while sinking deeper and wants a second chance at life
-She tries to go to the surface, but the waves push her deeper down
-She tries to take a breath, but it’s only filled with the dark ocean water
Falling Action:
- She feels her body slowly shut down while her thick hair and flowing dress move to the rhythm of the sea

-Julia dies depressed and alone, felling deserted by her family and separated from the world

-The struggle to be accepted in your own family
-That ending your life is not the answer

Tuesday 20 March 2012


I couldn’t continue and I didn’t know where I was going. I looked up to get my bearings through the thick smoke like a dangerous fog and noticed the colossal tower before me. As I stopped to look at the fascinating monument, I wondered, “Will it ever end?”  The skeleton structure was glowing with distress lights, calling for help from anywhere.
My mouth was bleeding with thirst and my legs weary from running. I paused and looked up. The thick, black smoke that covered the whole city was all I could breath in. I closed my eyes, with sound of the roaring fires and wailing people surrounding me. I fell to my knees from exhaustion. I wanted the pain to end, I wanted the hurt to be over. I was the tower, a skeleton, empty from hope and trying to call for help. I felt a single streak of warmth slide down my face, but they kept coming. The salt of my tears ran off my mouth and down off my chin. The mixture of pain and the loss of hope was in the taste of the blood and tears that slid past my lips. I opened my eyes once more to look up at the empty, towering structure. This city was once known for its love and beauty, now, all that remains is pain and destruction.
I looked behind me and saw them coming. I couldn’t get up, and I didn’t want to. I wanted it to be over. They lifted me off the ground and twisted my arms together with thick cord. The pushed up the stairs of the tower, each time I lifted my foot felt like cement strapped to my feet. My face was wet with the ones lost, not of my fate. I felt the roughness around my bare wrists turn red. We came to a ledge about fifty feet in the air. I stood, my head, too tired to hold up. They slipped the rope over me. I was ready, I was tired of running.
I rounded  up enough strength to look up out to the horizon.  Fire was licking up every place that had any of my good memories. People in the streets, wailing and crying over the lost loved ones. I wanted to leave this place. I filled my nostrils with the dry, smoky air. My lungs filled with all that remains of my good memories. I exhaled, knowing they would never return to me. I was ready. I felt the rush of cool wind across my face and through my hair. I felt the freedom from escaping this place. I felt the tug

The feeling I wanted to portray here was distress. The person wanted help, he wanted to be saved. He decided that no one was going to come, so he allowed the enemy to overtake him.
Tower with
lights on
with smoke
Dead trees
·People in
coming at
of wood
the air
Warm tears
was it
to end
A city 
for love
now in

Saturday 25 February 2012

My Scariest Dream

One of my scariest dreams happened when I was about seven years old. It was set at the front yard of my house. I was with my neighbor friends and we were taking turns on the Tarzan rope that was hanging from the tree. I went to the neighbor's house to see my dad. He was there on the couch, talking to a friend of his. I walked back to my front yard to continue playing, but everyone was trying to get on the rope as once. They were a grabbing the rope and trying so hard to get on, that they didn't see a car drive up. I was the only one who saw it and I knew right away that something was not right. I started running to my neighbor's house so I could get my dad, but it felt like I was running in water. I looked behind me towards my friends and a man had gotten out of the car and he was grabbing all of them in his arms. I tried to keep running, but I could not move. I tried yelling for help, but it was a quiet whisper. I looked back again, and the man was pushing my friends towards his car. I tried so hard to scream for my dad, but it only sounded like a soft echo. I couldn't save them and no one else could either. I had to wake up to myself yelling for help with no one answering me. This dream reminds me of what my parents used to say about talking to strangers. They said that people you do not know can steal you away. I always thought that the people who stole children would boil them up in a big pot and eat them. This dream scared me a lot because of that thought that I used to have as a kid.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Keepsake Items


The item that reminds me of a good memory is a bag of magnetic rocks. Magnetic rocks are small, black stones that are magnetically charged so when you through them in the air, they make a cool noise when the collide. I got to travel on the train alone with my dad while he was at work. My dad works as a chef, so I actually got to help out in the kitchen, plating up food and doing prep work.  One of the stops while on the train was in Jasper, Alberta. There was a lot of tourist shops and my dad showed me around the city so I could get something. In one of the shops, you could fill a small bag with magnetic rocks for ten dollars. When I remember where I got the rocks, I remember the train trip with my dad.

Importance Now

The item that reminds myself of an importance to me now is my window. My window faces to the east and the sun can shine through my window every morning. I love opening the curtain to the bright light that streams in. My relationship with God is really important to me. I feel that He is always there for me and I can rely on Him at all times. When I open my curtains, I see the light, and it reminds me of God's light to me when I feel like I'm in a dark place. Opening the curtain reminds me when I open up my life to Him so His light will come in.

Hope and Dream

Items that reminds me of my hope and dream is the photo albums at home. I have a lot of albums at home filled with memories of the past. The albums give me the dream of making more albums in the future. Not just to make the albums, but to create memories. When I look through the pictures, I wonder what the pictures will show in the future. I'm excited for the memories I'll make with future friends.

Monday 13 February 2012

Persuasive Paragraph

Getting a bumper car is way cooler than finishing medical school. First of all, when you finish medical school, you're already an adult and ready for a real job. However, with a bumper car of your very own, you are a kid at heart forever. Additionally, when you get your medical degree and become a doctor with a healthy paycheck, you will probably drive around in your Mustang or Ferrari, which are already so old. Think about how cool you would look driving up to your job at the ice cream parlor in your bumper car. Along with that, whenever you get into an accident, you wouldn't care because there would be no crash, just a bump. No broken windows, no dented doors. It would be fun to get in an accident. Having a bumper is way cooler than finishing medical school.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

My Bucket List

  • Travel before university/college
  • Cliff jumping
  • Bungee jumping
  • Visit the world's best theme parks
  • Become fluent in sign language
  • Take care of toddlers in a third world country
  • Meet someone famous
  • Get dreadlocks
  • Go sand sledding
  • Learn to surf
  • Fix something important
  • Build an igloo
  • Catch a fish
  • Climb the stairs of the Eiffel tower
  • Stretch my ears so I can fit a pencil through it
  • Own a bumper car
  • Eat something really weird
  • Graduate drivers ed
  • Buy a car with all the money down
  • Share about Jesus with a non-Christian